Graphic Design Poster
An inspirational poster that I designed for a project in the Print Shop during my last semester at Lakeland Collage.
Software used:
Techniques Used:
The quote itself was taken from a song by a band I really love called Converge. It may have also been rephrased from a quote that was originally mad famous by French author: André Gide.
I picked a couple images of crashing waves and I adjusted the contrast and other sliders with the RAW camera filter to give everything a gritty, 70’s film look.
The grainy look of old film is almost completely a thing of the past but it still always shows up naturally in low lighting when your camera’s ISO settings are turned up high to make up for the low light. The image naturally gets more grainy. In many cases what’s completely natural is also considered flawed by today’s standards.
The main photograph didn't have enough skyline for how I wanted to frame it, so I had to add or fake more skyline by copy/ pasting the image above the other and flipping it upside down to create a mirror and then I used the Clone Stamp tool and Spot Healing tool to blend things together so they looked seamless.
The font I used was called: Old English typeface.
I created a clipping mask from another crashing waves image I decided to not use for the main image to appear only in the letters of the quote.
I added a couple color overlay filters to the different layers and a couple for the entire image until I ended up with the final results.