Leave Your Marks
This was the Diversity poster I designed for the IDE Spring Art Exhibition Contest.
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The 2024 IDE Spring Art Exhibition Contest's theme for the year they wanted everyone to showcase was Diversity.
During the brainstorming process, I thought about the idea of a piece of art that everyone could be involved in. Something that everyone could do regardless of drawing or any other kind of designing experience. This is what eventually led to the idea of hand prints.
I originally wanted to fill the entire background with hand prints, but after framing and sizing everything the way I wanted, I realized I wouldn't have enough for that, but It was a happy accident that they all fit together to make a circle on the poster.
I decided that less was more here and rearranged and resized a couple just to make the circle more symmetrical so that It could invoke the thought of the Earth. Which capture the theme of belonging and unity.
I set all the blending options of the Layers to darken mode to get rid of the white paper from each hand print.
The phrase "leave your mark" kept coming to mind while I was working on this project, and I knew it would be a great thing to include in the design. At some point it became "Leave Your Marks".
I thought "Leave Your Marks" had even more of a ring to it and I though it would maybe make people think a little more than the classic phrasing. Maybe the marks we leave are just as likely to fade with time as everything else in life. If that's the case, we should be trying to leave as many of those marks as humanly possible.
Font used: Tycho.
I added some lines with the pen tool to connect more of the letters in the font together to give it even more of a since of unity.