JW’s Bar & Grill—Postcard
This was another project that included creating an advertising postcard using the new logo designed for JW’s Bar & Grill.
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Pictures of food always make people hungry and it’s important to remember how effective it can be to see the establishment’s menu items in an advertisement. I made it the theme of the design.
“HUNGRY YET?” was a perfect phrase that sold the concept I was going for, had a nice ring to it that made for a nice slogan to add to the design, and made It even more obvious that seeing it made you hungry. It happens subconsciously from the pictures of the food, so pointing it out is an incentive to buy something.
For the back of the postcard where you leave some empty space for people to write, I used a picture of customers eating with a color overlay to match the logo colors, the opacity for the background image was set around 15%.