Graduation Yard Sign
The couple weeks before finals, we got to make our own designs to promote our graduation to print onto yard signs in the school's print-shop as well as the invitations and envelopes to send to guests.
Software used:
Techniques Used:
I started out with a gradient down the whole canvas.
I distorted the gradient with the Wave option until it looked like a bunch of horizontal lines.
I added a circle shape and changed the direction of the lines with a copied layer and clipping mask over the circle shape and rotated the lines to create a sudden change in the line directions.
I completely recreated the MPAA logo with circle and line shapes and changed the center to three stars and gave each different colors that are used throughout the image.
Font used was Franklin Gothic Heavy.
I changed the vertical scale of the text to 111% to try and match the lettering that they always put in the ratings box on video game packaging.