Miserable Sound Newsletter
Miserable Sound—Graphic Design newsletter // Miserable Sound—Mathcore newsletter
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This was a project that required creating a name and layout for a newsletter that could be named and designed anyway you want. However, the topics were chosen as part of the projects.
The first topic was music and the second was to make an issue that was aimed to help new graphic design students who were starting in the next semester to better succeed in their schooling. So they know what to expect and also have some tips and things to consider.
The top right logo that was created for the publication was a combination of a picture originally used for a telephone add and a song title was used as the name because I thought it was a great name.
I was inspired by punk bands like the Sex Pistols that had a way of repurposing photos and other design elements as part of the DIY style associated with punk rock. Music is know as being a big introduction to graphic design for a lot of people who discover it through the album artwork they like.
For the overall article structure and layouts, I decided to go with a 2-column grid because they tend to look more pleasing visually and are also seen by many as being more legible and easy on the eyes.
The first topic I got to do was music, and I chose to cover the very niche genre of music called mathcore. A sub-genre of metal and punk music with math rock influences. The structure of the songs are known to be very irregular--with many time and tempo changes that can be very confusing to fallow for most people, including people that love it.
For the graphic design focused newsletter, I made a list of all my tips, and stock images for each article that were found online just to add some kind of visual step to each item on the list as well as articles explaining the benefits of each recommendation.